Course details


Complaint Management 


This training course outlines the methodology on how to handle, investigate and solve any complaints you receive. Complaints are inherent to every business, and it’s essential that you know how to handle them correctly. Whether your complaint is over the phone, via email, on social media, or made in person, our training course will give you the skills you need to handle it appropriately and resolve it successfully. For us in regulated environments it is essential we carry out to the best GMP practices

Module One: Introduction to Complaint Handling

Module Two: Receiving Complaints

Module Three: Investigating Complaints

Module Four: Using Complaints to Improve

Learning Objectives

Understand the primary reasons for complaints and use them to improve your business

• Know how to respond to complaints over the phone, via email or letter

• Be able to investigate complaints in a timely and successful manner

• Learn how to respond appropriately to a range of situations

• Become skilled in implementing and reviewing a complaints handling process


1 day



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